How to do temperature control with PID controller (Proportional–integral–derivative controller)

How to stabilize temperature to a fixed number, for example, 38.5?

You use a micro_controller to control an electrical relay, and that relay controls a heater which will raise temperature.

For example, when temperature is lower than 38.5 degree, we power on the heater. And when the temperature is greater than 38.5 degree, we power off that heater.

In real life, that temperature will not be a stable number, it may get changed between 2 or 3 degrees.

How do you fix this problem? You use PID controller. Which is, when the temperature is close to 38.5, for example, 38, we decrease the power of the heater. For example, we turn 220 voltage to 60 voltage. So the temperature will slowly reach 38.5.

The real meaning of PID controller is: When you about to reach a target, you use less energy to do small move to reach that target. When you far away from the target, you use big energy to reach that target. So that you would always track that target closely.

You can use the temperature of 38.5 degree to get baby chicken from eggs. Or you could use it to save people from dying if you know how to give people blood oxygen and nutrition and energy.




1. 准备宠物加温垫、温控、不漏水的水袋、羽绒服、干燥的毛巾。

2. 水袋放于加温垫上,温控贴在水袋上,毛巾放在蛋上,羽绒服把整个装置连蛋一起覆盖上。

3. 温控把温度控制到37.5度,可用人体肛门体温36.5作为参照。

4. 前80%天38度,后20%天37度。最后几天如果发现有戳壳行为,蛋壳破损在大头,那你就把那部分开一个孔透气。看到小嘴呼吸后,放回去等血丝干涸,然后一点点开壳以便不出血把头拽出来,然后放回去等自然出壳。出壳12小时后再操作。

5. 出壳后用温度计测一下小鸡的体温,然后准备一个几乎不透气但留一个观察孔的盒子,里面放上加热垫和水袋,要求在没有任何覆盖的情况下,水袋的温度能达到小鸡的体温,大概41度。把小鸡扔进去,准备米粒粉末、水。小米直接撒地上,水用瓶盖装。最好有一小块隔热材料,这样太热小鸡能自己站上去。最好有一个方形隔热材料制成的小屋,这样小鸡冷时也能钻进去。

6. 后期用15瓦白炙灯+风扇,注意不要让灯光把小鸡眼睛亮瞎,注意不要让风对着鸡吹。如此一来相当于用了风暖空调。

> 如果有不漏水的水袋,甚至可以用一个方形容器装水,用热得快加温。不装水的水袋直接扔容器里,在水上漂浮。然后把蛋放水袋里,冲氧器放水袋里,让水隔着袋子包裹受精蛋。(持有会漏水的袋子就用两个叠加)

> 一次都不翻蛋,不会有问题

#孵蛋 #yingshaoxo
