How to install windows xp or win7 in virtualbox?

# Windows XP

For windows xp system, you have to download a file called "WinXp sp3.GHO", for me, it just have 186MB.

But with that GHO file is not enough, you have to have PE iso system to install it.

You could use the official one, but it is kind of big:

Or, you could download a file called "PE.XP.Hiren's.BootCD.9.9.iso" file, which only has 178MB. It is XP based PE system, and it has a ghost software for you to copy gho file to disk partition. So the system will get installed.

Make sure the virtualbox storage is set to "PIIX4 default IDE", otherwise when you start xp system, you'll get blue screen error.

# Windows 7

For windows 7 system, you have to download a file called "Win7Sp1_Ultimate_x64.esd", for me, it just have 698MB.

Then, you need to download a PE file called "WePE.iso", for me, it just have 368MB.

Then you use a software in that PE system, called "CGI备份还原(backup and restore software)" to help you copy *.esd file to a disk partition.

Then the system will get installed.


# Author
