# Evil Percentage for a Company

 # Evil Percentage for a Company

You should finish the following table and get a yes/all percentage.

## 1. Take away user's power

Take away user's freedom of information sending or receiving (freedom of speech), has a strong censorship system that almost blocks anything that useful and has_high_intelligence inside.

Hide lower level knowledge from user, so the more user use their service, the more likely the user become an idiot. So user will never be able to live without that company.

Take away the root permission from user, so the user can't do anything that really useful in software or hardware level. So the company can do whatever they like in user's device or system.

## 2. Force user to upgrade or buy a new device

Force software or hardware to do a upgrade check or even force do the upgrade.

Let the hardware broke at a certain point after some usage time, so the user have to buy a new device from that company even if in theory the user don't have to.