Yingshaoxo's database design (version 2)


First, create a folder called database

Then, create a yingshaoxo_database_index.txt file under that database folder.

For each line, we’ll put a relative_path towards a json_file that under some sub_folders like ./1/current_index_row_number_plus_random_hash_string.json


When you add a record, you first read how many lines the yingshaoxo_database_index.txt has, let’s say, index_length = 11

Then you create a json file that has the new data with a name of 11_random_hash_string.json

After that, you append that json path at the bottom of yingshaoxo_database_index.txt file.

For windows system, it can’t have more than 4,294,967,295 files under a folder.

So you’d better seperate files into different folders.


When you search for a record, you iterate all those json path inside yingshaoxo_database_index.txt.

You read each json object. For each json object, you use a python function to handle it.

If a record is not what you want, you return None, if a record is what you want, you return a dict result.

In the end, you’ll ignore those None result, and get a list of dict object.


I do not recommend you to do the real deletion when other process is reading that file.

I would recommend you to use some special tech to do it:

Add ‘#’ symbol at the begnning of a json path to indicate it is a deleted json object.

You can achive it by replacing the first chracter of the path with ‘#’ symbol.


The edit can be as simple as replace the old json data with the new one.

For multi_process usage

You can write a queue to handle those request. Which can make sure your database is safe under multi_process usage.

Null safety

When you change data_stucture, how to make sure everything is OK?

For old data, in the view of new data_stucture, for those fields that missing data, you replace it with null.