Protobuf python tutorial for stupid people like me

1. Why it

Java? Sucks! PHP? Sucks! C? Sucks! Rust? Sucks! Kotlin? Sucks! Golang? Sucks! C++? Sucks!
Anyway, for any programming language, as long as I don't know it well, I would think it's very hard to use. Even if I can use it with hard google searching, that doesn't mean I'm good at it. If you want me to write a good data structure with a programming language that I don't know well, I'll quit this game.

2. A simple protobuf file (it's more like a definition for a data structure)

syntax = "proto3";

message OneDay {
    string date = 1;

    message Content {
        repeated string text = 1;
    Content content = 2;

3. Let's compile it to a python module

protoc --python_out=. ./oneday.proto

4. Let's use it with python

import oneday_pb2
oneday = oneday_pb2.OneDay() = "4.10"

oneday.content.text.append("yingshaoxo says:")


5. The result we were getting is:

date: "4.10"
content {
  text: "yingshaoxo says:"
  text: "hi"
  text: "everyone"
  text: "!"

text: "yingshaoxo says:"
text: "hi"
text: "everyone"
text: "!"

b'\n\x044.10\x12#\n\x10yingshaoxo says:\n\x02hi\n\x08everyone\n\x01!'


6. Conclusion

Actually, I think it's just a way to encode dict-list mixed data to strings so that we can send it through the network.