Basic vim commands

Core commands

To insert before the cursor: i
To insert after the cursor: a

To insert before the line: I
To append at the end of line: A

Copy a line: yy
Delete or cut a line: dd
Delete and edit current line: cc
Paste a line: pp
Create a new line: o

Undo: u

Save file: ZZ
Not save file: ZQ

Move commands

Up: k
Down: j
Left: h
Right: l

Move forward by a word: w
Move backward by a word: b

To the beginning of file: gg
To the end of file: G


Indent current line: >>
Unindent current line: <<

Indent multi lines: >3 + space
Unindent multi lines: <3 + space

Selecting and Deletion command

VGx or Vggx


Go to the definition of current function: gd
Go to the documentation of current function or module: shift + k