Basic Windows 7 shortcuts

For website browsing, I recommend chrome and Vimium.

Normally, these shortcuts you'll often use in Vimium:

Show help: ?

Scroll down: j
Scroll up: k
Scroll to the top of the page: gg
Scroll to the bottom of the page: G

Focus the first text input on the page: gi
Do not focus on the input box: ESC

Open URL, bookmark or history entry in a new tab: O
Open a bookmark in a new tab: B

Go one tab left: J
Go one tab right: K
Close current tab: x
Restore closed tab: X

Go back in history: H
Go forward in history: L

Copy the current URL to the clipboard: yy
Open the clipboard's URL in a new tab: P

Then comes windows controlling:

Switch between open programs: ALT + TAB
Quit program: ALT + F4
Closes the current Multiple Document Interface (MDI) window: CTRL + F4

Change the window size: Windows Logo + Up or Down arrow
Change the window location: Windows Logo + Left or Right arrow

Minimizes all open windows and displays the desktop: Windows Logo + D
Move around to choice desktop icon: UP or DOWN or LEFT or RIGHT Arrow
Run it: Enter

Select Task-bar's item: Windows Logo + T

Select between interface components: Tab